Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


64 entries this month

22:20 Jul 30 2008
Times Read: 1,324

So if your ears burn someone it talking about you. The nose itching means...someone is coming to visit, right? Then tell me.. what does it mean when you ass itchs?

*Rat rubs her butt againt the corner of the wall in the House*

Ahhh that is better.




22:23 Jul 30 2008

I think it means you need to get checked out. :/

*scrubs the wall*

22:24 Jul 30 2008

0-0 Ferret... that was ... *bust out laughing* funny as hell. lol

23:53 Jul 30 2008

You need to take a bath?

00:00 Jul 31 2008

Ass itching - means it's time to clean under your fingernails :-P

01:44 Jul 31 2008

SilentThoughts you came and made a comment. :) Thank you for that. Glad to see you out and about.

And I took a bath this morning.... *checks under her nails*

10:22 Jul 31 2008

It means you have to scratch it of course lol


And to think I have cut back on the time I spend here of late...

14:47 Jul 30 2008
Times Read: 1,356

This is my account:

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

127.09 days

This is the charity Sire:

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

52.79 days

Its like a baby Sire to mine. lol Ok ok... it shows I have no life, happy? I just hope I don't lose any forum postings or I might drop. Gods- I really don't want to rate with it either.

Wonder.... *goes to look*

Total pages viewed= 733,930

Total time spent= 161.97




16:46 Jul 30 2008

If I remember there are about 724 forum posts and 67 or so percent of things rated. ;P Should be fine lol.

16:50 Jul 30 2008

My gods- how do you post to the forum and get them to stay so much? No wait- I am still reading all your post in your Coven. Nevermind. lol

22:58 Jul 30 2008

The general discussion. ;P Which I seem to post too much to lol.


14:07 Jul 30 2008
Times Read: 1,364

Soooo here I am and trying to get my font on VW39 to read better and there is a question in the Acolyte box. Well you know the rat.. she just can't help but look. It is a question about Adolpt A Whelp.

*rat puts hands to her chest*

I am in House Eternal- I know all about it. Really- I can handle this....

*rat gives a sigh*

But its not my job and I do not have the right. People study many hours to pass that test, so....

*stays away from it like a good rat that she is*

I swore to leave that box alone, and I will. But damn... wish Cancer would hurry up and remove it. A rat can only take so much....




16:51 Jul 30 2008

And its removed. :) yeah! Now I can't get in trouble.

22:31 Jul 30 2008

You could have also messaged them directly with help or answers, instead of answering through the Acolyte que. ;P


Did not plan on it... but glad I have it. :)

02:13 Jul 30 2008
Times Read: 1,396

So the charity Sire is up and running. Go see VW39 and tell me what you think. I made this design up a few weeks ago, thinking it looked very VR like. And it has one of my favorite songs on it. ;) I renamed it, not leaving it as Charity2 because… well… don’t want people asking me about it. I wrote how I got it in the profile, that is enough. Don’t you think?

Well I really did not think I would get the Sire but Emmy told me the lady fell thru on the payment. While she offered to let me set a price, or at least take it to my last bid I did not want the charity to get stiffed. That is not fair to the charity, and also no one can say I cheated. I went above the amount she won the bid for, and I also seen in the thread some people had not paid the promised smaller bids so when I paid it I went up to the $250.00

Not an expense I planned but… I am glad I got the account. I can’t wait to see if anyone will let me into their Covens and Houses. I know of two Covens I will visit and think they will let me in- Stabb’s and Lady C’s. But I also plan to visit Moonie, Southern Freak, Dire Consequences, thebat, Lady Winter Rogue, Lost Soul, MCBandit, Ghost Punker, Crying Mist, Lagniappe, Weffie, Mystic Moon, Misterstrikki, Grievous Demon, ahh hell I want to visit them all. lol But I must go back and visit Robin, my old coven master. And VentruePrince. Those two are a must.

Houses? Well Cat wants me to come visit hers, but I tried that once. I will love to visit them but understand if they still don’t want to take the chance. I understand if anyone tells me no. It’s their right and I will honor it. I understood that when I first bid on this Sire account. It might end up sitting in House Eternal or one of the two Covens I am in if I have no place to visit.

I sent Cancer a message about the account as it still has the acolyte button on it. I was kidding about it with the KCRC and the bull told me “I’m telling!” He is such a party pooper. :P *rat puts hand on her chest* I swear I will not touch that button. *rat eyes slide sideways as she waits for a question to pop up* Ohhh I could have so much fun with it... but I wouldn't. ;)

So I went over to tell the Coven Master I was a new person on the account and found MBK. Well duh. So I asked to say, visit a little and he said I could. Yeah! One place that let me in. I should not say that…just stuck with me that I was turned down into Cat’s House so I just don’t know how well this is going to work out. I should look at it in a good light, not bring on trouble.

At least I have a Sire to play in the Dark Network other sites when they are set up.

Ok- I am off to bed. Doe talked to me about her trip to NO. She is so happy to be meeting all her friends. I hope everyone has fun, lets the trip turn into the fun they know they can have together. Still someone better be taking pictures of the ball outfits or I am going to be one pissed off Rat.



04:59 Jul 30 2008

Of course the rat is welcome to come and visit the owl and her coven. We were happy to have you before, we would be happy to have you again.


Should of known I would get pissy... :)

19:47 Jul 29 2008
Times Read: 1,439

Sis is trying to get some paperwork out so she ask me to answer the phones. Not a problem…till I get calls from people who are dumb as shit.

“I am on XXX street. Can you tell me where your office is?”

“Where at on XXX street?”

“I can see the metal buildings with the white vans.”

“Are you sitting in the driveway there?”

“Yes, I am in the gravel driveway.”

“Look up across the street”

“Oh. There you are”

*slaps forehead*

“I would like some help with some questions on your services.”

“Alright. How may I help you?”

“I have some questions about your moving cost, can you help me?”

“Yes. How may I help you?”

“Are you the lady I need to talk to about the cost?”

*rolls eyes*

“Hold please and I will connect you with someone.”

I get up and pee, get a pop, then come back to pickup the phone.

“How may I help you?”

“I wanted to know how much it would….”

Dumb ass.

“Yes. Do you all move people?”

“No. We just call our self a moving company to throw off the IRS. Really we are a escort service.”

*silence on the phone*

“Of course I am just kidding…”

Had a woman come in and buy packing. And I can tell you… pretty does not make you less stupid.

“So if I buy 5 of the ones that cost $2.00 how much is that?”

“I am thinking that is $10.00.”


"But if you buy three of the larger ones at $3.50 its a better deal then the five small ones."

"But that is like...five dollar more." she whined.


"OK then. Let me get you the smaller ones."

Gods...and its only Tuesday people...only Tuesday.



20:19 Jul 29 2008

Oh the fun I could have if I had your office number!


20:55 Jul 29 2008

Oh trust me, I KNOW your pain.


NOW he knows me... lol

01:17 Jul 29 2008
Times Read: 1,477

MBK just called me a smart ass! ROFL. ;) He really didn't know me well till tonight, did he?

On 23:43:43 Jul 28 2008 (-0 GMT) MBK wrote:

Here's the info for your new Sire account. ;]

On 23:50:58 Jul 28 2008 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Thank you very much. I will work on it some Wen.


On 23:54:40 Jul 28 2008 (-0 GMT) MBK wrote:

No problem. ;] Betta' take care of it! lol

On 00:03:22 Jul 29 2008 (-0 GMT) Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Well the first thing I am going to do is go rate all Sires a one.

Then go to the forum and hit the sandbox really hard.

I might do the general one but it will only be with postings of

"I agree with the one above me."

"I will have to look into this"

"I like it a lot."

*rat grins....and runs*

MBK wrote back:

LMFAO! You're such a smart ass! =PP Although it does sound rather fun ... ;P

And that is from our newest Dominar. lol

Ain't he a cutie- giving up the Sire account and worried about how its used? Ahhhh don't worry- I will treat it with respect MBK.



01:25 Jul 29 2008

OMG you mean someone here didn't? *grins and runs*

02:39 Jul 29 2008

Thats our lil MBK ;)

02:51 Jul 29 2008

Like I've told you before, it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.


Or a stinky ass *glares at dog*

20:32 Jul 29 2008

Have I told you lately how much you ROCK, VW?

MBK isn't half-bad either. (Despite all those rumors to the contrary!) :P


19:21 Jul 28 2008
Times Read: 1,520

Now... what to call it? What kind of profile?

And who's door to go knock on first for a visit?


Glad I spent the morning making a estimate for a mover in Louisville. That will pay for most of the Sire account.



19:29 Jul 28 2008

If I had a separate Sire account I would be making my own coven LOL

19:33 Jul 28 2008

Better take good care of it ;P

Now I have more motivation to have my Distortion account make Sire. ;]

19:39 Jul 28 2008

Knock, knock! If I had a coven , I would be zoomaster.

19:41 Jul 28 2008

Woooh congratulations!

21:18 Jul 28 2008


01:24 Jul 29 2008

You just gotta call it TheRat and please come knocking on our door :)

03:37 Jul 29 2008

The Guardians are always willing to roll out the red carpet for a VIP or two .... but please don't knock; we're civilized and have a doorbell.



13:31 Jul 28 2008
Times Read: 1,522



19:22 Jul 25 2008
Times Read: 1,599

Click here for a smile.



19:53 Jul 25 2008

Every time I see that I want to cry

20:30 Jul 25 2008


23:30 Jul 25 2008

Ok rat...that made me cry.

23:40 Jul 25 2008

Maybe I should of put... "Click here for a cry"

:) It made me cry too.

02:23 Jul 26 2008

Yeah, that would be a little more fair :) I cried, but it felt good :D

20:46 Jul 26 2008

I didn't cry. I thought for sure that lion was gonna pull a sigfried and roy thing on 'ol roy there...I was surprised. It was cute though. It would've scared the poo out me to be on the recieving end of that hug.


15:22 Jul 25 2008
Times Read: 1,630

Well someone is better be taking pictures as I want to see the fashions at the ball, damn it!

And it sucks that this meetup is just one drama after another. Seems like the rules change- you had to buy the big hotel and all... and you had a certain time frame to cancel. Its all or nothing.

Then it turned into a "You can come to certain events" Well lets not fuck those who did not have the option to start with, why don't we?

And if VampireRave is not getting any money from this event- then those who are going was never supporting VR to start with. So why bitch?

And by the way- the whole "You should be able to plan this months in advance" is the reason why people don't use travel agencies. NO- some of us run a fucking business and can't say what we will be doing in a year. We can not say "Yes- my family is all going to be healthy, work is going to be slow those few days, and all is well" a year in advance. If I could see that far into my furture I would see the lottery ticket numbers. Then by god I would not even book it that far in advance.

People who think you can plan that far in advance either- don't work, have a normal 9 to 5 job that can book vacations, have little concern for elder parents, and does not fear illness, car wrecks, deaths or accidents. Good for you! Glad you booked!

Just a shame that members of this site can not just meet, enjoy each other, and fucking not worry about it. But still- I want pictures god damn it!! Nothing else just from the neck down...


And another point- all the fights and nick picking is really not making anyone want to book any other events.



16:54 Jul 25 2008

I agree, you can't always plan a year ahead. Somebody had better take some pictures. Just because we can't go doesn't mean we don't want to see them. Bad timing for us, we wanted to go. I never checked, were animals allowed? lol

16:56 Jul 25 2008

I agree, I am glad I didn't even put a penny into this whole thing. I would rather support the site by staying a Premium Member and buying other cool stuff then going on a trip.

Not everyone can drop everything they are doing for a vacation. :/

17:08 Jul 25 2008

I did not see drama but...ok. I do support the rave, got 1 lifetime and 3 yearly premium accounts. So I guess I am supporting the rave.

17:11 Jul 25 2008

Glad to know I am not the only person who can only plan shit about a month in advance. I mean- ask Cat and Birdy. I cancel on them all the time. Either I have to go to bed early so I can go to work early, I have worked past 5 or 6:00 pm and missed it, or I have to work that night on a courier run.

As it is- I set my vacation in the middle of winter about a month before I go. Reason I don't take many as most people don't want to go then.

And I tell you what- if one more person says its not supporting VR,... I will have to point out VR sure gave up a lot of space for your ad's. And that is what the threads are- ads.

Whatever....wish I could go as I really want to see the people, glad I am not going due to the drama.

lol I don't know. Sure a rule would of been made that would of kept you out donkey. :) Besides- you have a wonderful wife to take care of at home. Tell her I said hello and to heal on up so she can kick you in the butt. ;)

17:16 Jul 25 2008

VampireYui- that is giving support to VR. :) We support VR every time we log into it, be it non paid or paid member. Ads on online sites are sold by pages viewed, members listed. The Admin support by giving time and putting up with shit.

If you are here- you support the site in one way or the other.

17:22 Jul 25 2008

someone pointed out to me that you couldn't take pics now for liability puposes.

now, i'm not going, and i am kinda glad that i'm not due to all the red tape.

19:29 Jul 28 2008

I hate fights.....even so I have paid for the full kit ....I am having second taughts on going....if people are going to be all fighting...it's not going to be fun. As for pictures...I don't mind, I am just not responsible if the camera breaks when I look at it lol...joke aside...this all fights in forum things is begaining to give a sour taste to an event that was supose to be a bounding experience for VR members...No offence intended, no finger pointed, simply it seems all forums are...fighting instead of planing...it is sad.


13:01 Jul 25 2008
Times Read: 1,642

Wow- my last entry was depressing as hell. lol That is what I get for writing after 13 hours work day. Very long day that was dull, mostly driving across the state with very little furniture. And me seeing $$ just floating out the window as its paid by the weight. *sigh*

But today is a new day. You can’t win them all, take your punches and get back out there. *cheer cheer cheer*

Wonderful night sleep helped a great deal. Talking to the wonderful Sahahria in the Basement last night right before bed helped make my day better. Of course I said I would do something for her, and went to bed to think of how to go about it….and fell right off to sleep. lol ^.^

So here I am with no idea of yet but I am thinking… I swear Doe.




13:10 Jul 25 2008

Heh, how a *burrrrrrp*?

Seems to work for others, why not us? ;)


Is it too late?

00:04 Jul 25 2008
Times Read: 1,666

Is it to late to wonder how my life would been if I followed my dreams?

Is it to late to wonder what would of happen if I had run away?

Is it to late to wonder why I did not take the offer that could have changed my life?

Is it to late to wonder why I was afraid?

Is it to late to wonder what my life would have been like if I never meet him?

Is it to late to wonder if I should have had children?

Is it to late to wonder why I am here?

Is it to late to wonder why I am the way I am?

Is it to late to wonder why I can not change?

Is it to late to SEE the wonder all around me?

Is it too late?



00:40 Jul 25 2008

It's never too late to chase your dreams the problem is that with age we change our minds and get new dreams... keeping all our teeth, walking without help... :) But really if it were not for those things that we did and didn't do we wouldn't be who we are today and that would be too scary.

02:31 Jul 25 2008

Well said NG. If we give up on dreams, if we stop dreaming, then the world becomes a very dark, dreary and isolated place. Never stop dreaming hon. It puts the wonder into your life and gives you the imagination to write your wonderful stories.

10:51 Jul 25 2008

Never stop wondering.....it's a great way to grow. *hugs*


But they are so cuuttteeee.

22:33 Jul 23 2008
Times Read: 1,696

BIG Kentucky News- 2 rabid bats and 3 rabid skunks found in the state.


Remind me not to go around petting these, would ya?




22:46 Jul 23 2008

and road kill

00:02 Jul 24 2008

Don't pet bats!

Skunks might be tougher because they are sort of cute and we have been tricked by cartoons...but don't pet skunks! It's a trick!

00:38 Jul 25 2008

Don't worry sis, the bats move way too fast for you to pet them. Now those skunks seem to enjoy tricking some of us into thinking they're just odd cats!


Speak English so I can understand you... please.

13:20 Jul 23 2008
Times Read: 1,725

It's like Stupid and Idiot had a child, and hit it repeatedly with the dumb-as-shit shovel.

Some people should not breed.

And while I am on a rant...

I read about the truck driver who was fined $500.00 due to him not being able to speak English when a cop stop him. Seems that is the newest way the goverment is going about making money. Now... the picture showed a man who is from Mexico. The ticket was for him being unable to talk to the motor enforcement dude to do a inspection on his truck.

That is fine...fine him.

But in this town- you can not go to a Dr. that speaks English. I am not kidding. Last I went to asked me when I had my last period and you should of seen all the names he had to call it before I understood what the hell he was asking. You think Dell help center is bad? Please.... go to a Dr. in this town.

I don't know about you - but the driver who was hauling a load of onions is not my concern. The one who is giving me med's and taking my life in his hands- that is my concern damn it.

How about making freaking DR. learn to speak English?



13:54 Jul 23 2008

I agree.

I see the same thing in my country with the difference that here you find people who can't speak their native language!!!!

I am aware that English is important because Malta is getting a multi-cultural country/island but to find people who can't speak Maltese is just ridicolous!

And people of a high career or who are in Universiy who can't speak good English you find them too in this country.

18:40 Jul 23 2008

Hell, half the time in England you can't find someone who speaks English...

22:50 Jul 23 2008

it's sad, everytime we go to the doctor, my hubby has to translate for me. And these guys are giving us meds?

00:37 Jul 25 2008

Now you know why I go to my local family doctor, he may not be the coolest dude or even the sharpest knife in the drawer but I can understand him and he me. SO what if I have to do a little extra work to keep up with my own health issues. lol

01:03 Jul 25 2008

Doctor? O yeah, stick, bone through his nose. I try to not see him.


22:32 Jul 22 2008
Times Read: 1,754

*throws hands up*

I give up on it.

Didn't need another Sire account anyway.



22:55 Jul 22 2008


oh my! LOL!

23:19 Jul 22 2008

Increaments are accepted at .50 cents ;)

18:49 Jul 23 2008

I'd take whelp account over a Sire's anyday.

19:45 Jul 23 2008

But ... I wanted to go visit a few folks. :)



00:18 Jul 21 2008
Times Read: 1,788



20:04 Jul 20 2008
Times Read: 1,803

Oceanne needs put in a skillet of hot oil.

Just saying....



Kidding. I like my fish baked, not fried.

*chases her with a grill pan*

Come here fishy!




More bang for your buck .... :)

02:14 Jul 19 2008
Times Read: 1,850

Nevada prostitutes are going the extra mile to draw clients to their establishments by offering to pay for their gas to get there.

The Shady Lady Ranch on Highway 95, 31 miles north of Beatty, Nevada, has posted on its Web site that as of July 1 customers who spend $300 for 1 hour of services will receive a free $50 gas card. Two and 3 hours of services at $500 and $800 respectively, will bring $100 and $150 gas cards.

Nevada brothels are usually located in deserted areas of the state, and skyrocketing gas prices have put a damper on business, brothel owners said. But, because truck drivers make up a significant portion of their clients, the gas deal should help to ease the loss of revenue for hookers.




02:16 Jul 19 2008

Aww well that's sweet!

02:19 Jul 19 2008

There was one story around recently about a hooker who asked to be paid with petrol.

02:22 Jul 19 2008

ha ha.....

02:36 Jul 19 2008

Wow a gas card rebate for buying nookie.

$300.00 for an hour? Oh my!

04:40 Jul 19 2008

Apparently the sluts are a better investment than the slots.


And we are off...

19:23 Jul 18 2008
Times Read: 1,873

Sometimes a ice cold beer out of a can is the only thing that will hit the spot. :)

It's 99 outside, and just in out of the heat. Run A/C run....

*starts the weekend*



19:25 Jul 18 2008

Hells yeah! Sleepin' in tomorrow is going to rawk

19:35 Jul 18 2008

HEY NOW...I'm still at work cleaning my desk off so other people can pile shit on it while I'm out next week.


20:06 Jul 18 2008

Morri :) She gets it- always does.

KCRC- :P lol

22:15 Jul 18 2008

nice imagery.

*eyes Guinness in the fridge as it is also 100 degrees here*


I wonder....

02:07 Jul 18 2008
Times Read: 1,895

If the movie The Dark Knight will sale more tickets because of Heath Ledger death?

I mean- you know people are going to go see it because its his last movie. Notice how the ads and poster are more him then Batman?

Wonder how the movie would of done if he had not died? Not saying it would not of been a hit anyway...

Ok- off to bed. :)



02:25 Jul 18 2008

I want to see it just to see if Harley Quinn is in it.


05:10 Jul 18 2008

The "buzz" about this movie was pretty intense before Ledger's death...not only because it is a Batman movie, but also specifically because even before he died crews "leaked" that his performance was some of the most intense acting they had ever seen. Then he died.

It makes me sad that he died, but I am also already hearing Oscar buzz for him, and what would suck is if people think he "just" got an Oscar because he died, as opposed to deserving it. Caliber wise, he has been "up there" for awhile; starring in 'years best picture' the year before. I hope if he gets it, people recognize it is deserved.

14:58 Jul 18 2008

I think it would have been a hit rather he died or not.

Heath was huge prior, and Christian... well even moreso. Christian Bale has won Batman fans over by the millions- and 'Batman Begins' was a major success. So with that under its belt, it had huge stars and one just happened to die after the filiming. It would have been a blockbuster, now it may be more than that.

02:31 Jul 19 2008

I personally wanted to see it no matter what. Then after he died, I kinda wanted to see it a bit more. I think mainly because it was a bit of a "thanks", I'll go pay the $6 to go see the last movie you did and brilliantly so.

In my opinion, Ledger's death was awful. But after we got out of the movie today, I knew that he threw his very best efforts into it and it was beyond brilliant. I even told him thank you.

20:24 Jul 20 2008

I'd always want to see the lates Batman movie :)


00:01 Jul 18 2008
Times Read: 1,916


Quote: 'Let the Vampire in u out.

i have multi persanalitys one is a vampire cause i love blood, and the other part is wolf cause i am wild and free and i can be a bitch when i get pissed

"Sticks nd stones may break me bones, but wips and chains excite me, wip me, spank me, make me bleed, kinky sex is wat i need."

"Well I would say that is a sick girl. Would you not agree?" Rat ask her other 'persanalitys'

" Why yes. She is a nut sort of a pea" in a deeper voice.

" What do you know...you think we are a normal"

a male voice answers.

"Oh hush.... you just upset because I made you wear a dress today." a older woman voice added.





O.o Sometimes they are just too easy to make fun of.



01:21 Jul 18 2008


03:23 Jul 18 2008

Oh dear, she's hearing the vocies again....*gets the rum out * lmao


20:14 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 1,939

*Smerk* That is all I will say about it. Ok.. one more thing....Can I call them or what?





01:10 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 1,985

I don't know why but I smell cake. I mean the frosting and everything. O.o

And what is it about having to pee the second you walk into your home? I left the office- not having to pee. But the minute it took for me to drive home and walk into my door- bang. Had to pee.


Ain't you glad you read that?




01:15 Jul 17 2008

hahahha thanks for sharing ha

sometimes (ask Moonie, she'll crack up) .. i smell bacon cooking for no reason, even when theres none in mmy house, and dang sure hasnt been any COOKED in my house...

my son says i must have a brain tumor :-/

01:22 Jul 17 2008

lol If I get a eye twich I will know why then. Ohhh Moonie. She is one sweet thing all on her own.

03:55 Jul 17 2008

I sure hope you saved your pee for NASA!

10:54 Jul 17 2008

I have'nt had cake in six days now....when I start smelling it and it's not there I'll know I've gone too long lol

13:49 Jul 17 2008

KCRC- lol I am working on it. :) Maybe we should have a pee drive in the House.

01:23 Jul 18 2008

lol at the pee it happens to me.

Smelling cake/food?

No but usually I smell things that the rest don't 0.o


21:28 Jul 16 2008
Times Read: 2,030

Having a long lunch chat with KCRC, Morrigon and Abstract today I decided to change my picture to something more sexy...more telling of me... more my style. More of a expression of my personality. They warn me that this type of picture will just lead to me having disrespecting comments made to me, sexual advances but I will stand my ground.

So all you young perverts out there…. Come try and get in my panties. Let's see if I can't handle these young sex crazed youngings.

LOL. Glad you are back Ab. :)



22:25 Jul 16 2008

Now I know why men from Texas have real balls!

22:38 Jul 16 2008

Hehehe That is great. :)

01:14 Jul 17 2008

that's hot!

03:24 Jul 18 2008

Wow, it's like looking in a mirror lol


16:37 Jul 16 2008
Times Read: 2,046

I almost left this comment on Cancer's journal.

"Ewok one is cuter. But what a ass to think a dog walks on two legs."


But I stop myself... is that good or bad? I could not use the word ass in his journal.


*goes back to eating lunch*



17:08 Jul 16 2008



14:37 Jul 16 2008
Times Read: 2,058

My two loves come head to head tonight. Fashion with Project Runway. Ghost with Ghost Hunters International.

Guess the ghostys get recorded. :)

"Make it work!" lol




13:43 Jul 15 2008
Times Read: 2,101

Ok- it creeps me out when people comment on my sexy stories. I don't know why it just does. And from a person I do not know... I don't know if that better then from ones I do know.


Wish I could block comments in that section.

I mean... Ewww.

Or make them private. You know- I would of done that a long time ago but for one thing. Fineblood telling me all the shit about them- how I am only on so many favorites because of them, how I was hit on only because of them, how people should not read such stuff.

Funny as when I come out of lurking of late- no one is even talking to me, much less hitting on me. :)

I guess my anger at his attitute makes me leave them up. And the little dick who would email me about how I was going to burn in hell for them, quoting them to me.

Yeap- tell me not to do it, and come hell or high water I will. lol

Just wish people would not comment on them is all. Enjoy them, but I don't want to know what you enjoyed. :)

And that ladies and gentelman is my mind this morning. lol



15:03 Jul 15 2008

*makes note....Send innappropriate messages to the Rat when you see her on-line*

I love your stories and would be sad if you no longer posted them. I stopped commenting, as I know how you feel about the comments. It doesn't mean they are any less effective.

15:16 Jul 15 2008

Sounds like Fineblood is late for an appointment of "Admit that you're jealous and go fuck yourself."

Your journal list is on my favorites because I love reading anything you decide to make public.

18:13 Jul 15 2008

I have never read the sexy stories section because I dont want to know about my friends' sexualitites. I mean, I know people are sexual and that doesnt bother me a bit, but I dont want to know about it from people I know. Something anonymous or random, I see differently.

03:32 Jul 16 2008

makes same note as kcrc* same for me as morrigan over there. i expecially enjoy the stupid people that hired me stories and the rateings



02:48 Jul 15 2008
Times Read: 2,122



02:42 Jul 15 2008
Times Read: 2,126

Vampire Rave is getting free press.

The store owner that let me use the picture of the gas mask on the cybergoth article is linking it in his blog online. People will come to the site, look around, stay...

Hell yes!!

I just need to change the link under the picture to the gas mask page, as he asked. I have it linked to the main page. Now... who to pester for that? Hmmm



02:53 Jul 15 2008


10:24 Jul 15 2008

Well done you.



19:08 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 2,143



Email from sis. :)

18:31 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 2,151

There was a blonde who found herself sitting next to a Lawyer on an airplane. The lawyer just kept bugging the blonde wanting her to play a game of intelligence. Finally, the lawyer offered her 10 to 1 odds, and said every time the blonde could not answer one of his questions, she owed him $5, but every time he could not answer hers, he'd give her $50.00. The lawyer figured he could not lose, and the blonde reluctantly accepted.

The lawyer first asked, "What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?"

Without saying a word the blonde handed him $5. then the blonde asked, "What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes back down the hill with 4 legs?"

Well, the lawyer looked puzzled. He took several hours, looking up everything he could on his laptop and even placing numerous air-to-ground phone calls trying to find the answer. Finally, angry and frustrated, he gave up and paid the blonde $50.00

The blonde put the $50 into her purse without comment, but the lawyer insisted, "What is the answer to your question?"

Without saying a word, the blonde handed him $5.



19:45 Jul 14 2008



17:00 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 2,173

You know...he reminds me of a certain Russian Model that use to roamed these VR halls. He leads you to believe he is not... but I am saying he just reminds me of that person.

Why do I think that? He is a attention whore. And if you do not pay attention he starts drama to get it. Sound like someone? Or maybe a lot of someones?

Maybe I am just spotting them more easier these days.


Trolls.... now I understand what they all meant by that.

*slaps forehead* Duh!



17:30 Jul 14 2008

Curious indeed!

18:28 Jul 14 2008

Actually, there are quite a few people on here that remind me of that certain someone....

22:32 Jul 17 2008

Must be more then I know on the site. But in a way- they are all the same. *shrugs*


01:17 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 2,203

So I got a ticket today. Wonder why? Well I was driving down this little country road and notice a state police man coming up from behind. I slow down a little, watching him in my rear view mirror, thinking he might pass me in the two lane road.

I go around a curve in the road and right in the middle of the road is a turkey. A big wild turkey. Couldn't help it... I hit it. It went right over my dash and up in the air to land on the hood of the cop's car.

Ticket was for flipping the cop the bird.

*drum sound after a bad joke is told*

Thank you... I will be here all week.



01:24 Jul 14 2008

I'm going to smack you when I see you for that!

01:41 Jul 14 2008

Awww and I thought for a second you were serious. In your world and in Kentucky, that would almost be the norm.

04:28 Jul 14 2008


04:43 Jul 14 2008

don't forget to tip your waitresses.

05:05 Jul 14 2008

Hey NG, add a smack for me ok?

12:01 Jul 14 2008

Omg...all week ??? lol

13:15 Jul 14 2008



01:31 Jul 13 2008
Times Read: 2,236

Well fuck. Sevenn was talking about VR logging her off as she wrote a journal entry and it just happen to me. I was not that long... I swear.


Cliffnotes: I cooked a great meal, all loved it, you would of end up drooling, and I made a comment about my sucky lisp/ the way I talk when trying to pronounce Parmigiano-Reggiano. Kroger sucks. And ended it with a joke about pork rings.

To bad you missed it.


And don't post I should of wrote it on a notebook/saved it as I just read all those on Sevenn's journal. You will just piss me off pointing out I knew better. :P



02:09 Jul 13 2008

I'm sorry I've had that happen too...

although I must add you missed out on my homemade Lemon-Vanilla IceCream. Oh and I made Chai Ice-cream too :)

14:15 Jul 13 2008

Meh > I always miss the good stuff lol

01:23 Jul 14 2008

Honey, I don't have a lisp and I couldn't say that for the life of me!


Rating time again! :)

15:31 Jul 11 2008
Times Read: 2,326


Quote: Bite Me!!

I am just what ever the hell u want me to be!! HAHA!

How about a wet spot under my heel? Will you be that? No? How about a hot pink and black striped zebra? Yeah...that would be way cool. I could put a nose ring on ya and lead you around and say "Look at me and the hot pink and black striped zebra."


*delete and stamp*


Quote: the blood is eternal, live it

Hi everybody

love the blood.... dracula vampires ghosts that's the way of life^^

Vampires and Ghost are dead ...so how can they be the way of life? :)


Quote: death is life and pain is the way i feel

tall thin hot long brown hair green eyes and a vergen and is looking

What you looking at? Huh punk? So just how hot is your hair? Is it in the 80's? 90? When does it combust into flames? *sits to wait for the show*


Quote: I can never bee seen for who I am

5"3 thick long black hair pale face deceiving eyes and very trick

Bee? Trick? Is that like trick my truck? What the hell does that mean? Are you tricking me? Bet you are just a cute little honey bee with those yellow and black stripes. :) Speaking of ...have you seen my hot pink and black stripe zebra?

*giggles* God I love rating.


Quote: Searching for true date

Am a nice and lovely person am looking for true date and searching for a true love i which you could pamper with lot of love..................i love to bike,hike,Skate and have lot of funs i love shopping too

Aahhh true dat. Looking for true love on a vampire site. I must of missed the news flash that the site had been renamed to "VampireHo"


Quote: ADD ME


Oh I will add you. To the list of "What the fuck are you talking about?" people. Thinking you might just make the top twenty. Don't that make you feel all warm inside?


Quote: Im the baby gotta love me

I am 26 and married with 5 kids

5 Kids? You have five kids at 26? Gods... how do you even have time to make a profile on this site? How do you even have time to be on the internet? Do yourself a favor and search these words "Birth Control" Good lord....


Quote: Stake Me!!!

Nothing To Say


Also known as a waste of space....


Quote: Look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.

If you don't follow these I am blocking you, it's not a threat it's a promise.


1. Don't bite me! If your a guy, I don't know you! I have a boyfriend and he is the only one I want biting me, I don't give a fuck about how high a level you are. If you a girl and you bite me....eh I don't roll that way! Please keep your fangs to yourself ladies.

2. Ha ha, don't even think you have a chance with me. First off my standards are way to high and the position of being the love of my life has been filled...forever.

3. You send me a message saying "Yo, wuz up!" First off I don't speak Ebonics...I speak English. Second the ceiling is the only thing that is up unless I am outside and that my friend is what you call a sky!

4. Don't send me a message trying to dis me or tear me down for no reason. It won't work and you will be the one getting hurt not me.

5. I always rate a 10, because people bitch when they get a lower number....so just to make you happy I will rate you a 10. Don't lower my rating with a 1 and shit like that. I will find you and kill you.

6. Don't add me without asking! It's not a popularity contest, I'm not that sweet don't add me. You better have a good reason to why you are adding me and it better not be "because I think you hot!" I will punch you in the dick if I ever see you I promise....

7. I have a temper..eh you have been warned so bigh thing. DON'T PISS ME OFF!

Well... butter my butt and call me a biscuit! Ask me if I give a shit. Really...ask me. *rolls eyes*


Quote: Death is allways onr step behind you

6'1" shoulder lenth jet black hair slim but bulit father of 3 children 2 boys 1 girl dont see them very much If you want to know more just ask

*clasp hands together* Please gods let his children learn to spell better then him.... please.


well umm..lol i guess i say somethin about myself now..uhh im 15 my name is nicole hate rap with a passion but i love icp mmfcl...im about 4'11 i know im really short..umm im lookin for some1 to love me or for friends who lik me for who i am..i used to live in florida but i had to move to arkansas..i hate it here it is hell...ive only loved one person an he has left me cold an feelingless so if i seem that way i am truely sorry..i keep to myself so jus giv me a chance..well i love metal some of my favorites is gorgoroth,icp,dimmu borgir,the cure,type o negative etc...

On my gods its to late. I found one of his kids! lol


im 16 and a very active fun grl. love my family and friends. love parties and im a big driker lol... just soda. if u wanna talkk then send me a message duh

Are you sure you are not a driker? That is how i tyep when i do. *burp*


Quote: im new here or am i

ill add more later so im almost 14 and i snowboard snd stuff

im single now have lil bro and lil sis and have no friends on this so talk to me i talk alot and if your going to add me tell me first or block me

So let me get this stright- if I add you as a friend I am to tell you- then block you? Or if I don't add you as a friend I am to block you? What? Why do people have to make this so hard? Do this...do that... gosh.


Quote: If life gives you lemons, kill them and everything else.

I hate life. It sucks. E N D OF S T O R Y no more questions asked, thank you.

Let me help you with that.... *pulls out a gun, a knife from waistband. Pulls out a bottle of pills and ligher from her pocket. Holds up a finger for you to wait, and runs away to return with a rope, a bucket of water, and a shovel*

If you hated life you whinney ass emo you would be sitting in a closet with your ears covered to hold out the voices, not on a website that is built to be a community. Get a grip as the "Its cool to act like I hate life" is getting old with me. Think of Nikes "JUST DO IT!"


Quote: I'm not a monster, I'm just a sick man, who would do anything, to get his soul back.

My name is Kristen.

I am seventeen years of age.

I am very spiritual and open minded about just about anything.

I am a vegetarian which does mean I'm not a vampire but I still find the vampire culture fascinating.

Ok when did blood become a food group?


Quote: May the darkness protect my allies and may it destroy my enamies

brown hair , blue eye's , and i hate life anything liveing must be destroed

Oh I know a guy you must meet. He hates life so you two will be great for each other. :)

*smerks* VampireHo.... I just love that. lol



19:05 Jul 11 2008

your smart assery just makes my day that much better rat lol

21:13 Jul 11 2008

I wonder how many people confuse this with dating site?

00:04 Jul 12 2008

This REALLY brightened my day! LMAO

01:43 Jul 12 2008

Enamies? Bee? Driker?

Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh my ass off or to cry at the sorry state of our education system.

02:00 Jul 13 2008

You're as bad as me doing this LOL!!! These are histerical. *Wonders where these people come from. Really*


Members Articles.

13:42 Jul 11 2008
Times Read: 2,360

Something on VR is starting to be a pet peeve of mine. I agreed when Cancer took the stamps off the database. I mean- it was silly looking, asking a tube of lipstick to rate you, add you as friends. A article will not care what coven/house you are in.

But my peeve is this. What of the member’s articles? Members being those of us on VR who are trying to make it a better place, trying to give the members something to read and learn from. I don’t know about anyone else who does these but I spent time on mine, doing the research, trying to make it so people will understand who know nothing of the fashion or makeup I am talking about. My first one sucked granted, but I am doing better.

The links, art work, layout- It all takes time and it just rubs my fur the wrong way when people put those long stupid stamps asking the article to rate them back.

If the database is worth the respect of no stamps- so is the articles the members of this site write for it.



13:46 Jul 11 2008

Absolutely. Even more so, Articles are original work and should be treated as such.

13:59 Jul 11 2008

Nope, I disagree. If there is a rating system in this site, and stamps are a part of it (even has the stamp check box thingy on the bottom), then people should use it anywhere they want.

Stamps are, too, "original work".

I think Cancer is bending out of shape for a few people, and bluntly ignores everyone else here. That is wrong.

14:16 Jul 11 2008

Bent out of shape? Tell me you are kidding...

The need to rate on this site is to level up, to meet and make friends. And if you care at all about ratings and how many favorites/ friends list you are on then you have to get out there be active, noticed. I see the need for stamps on profiles, ports..

But to use them on the database or articles is stupid. What is that going to get you? What is a article going to do for you?

And by the way Ant... :P lol

14:44 Jul 11 2008

I've got to agree with you. Although I do use peoples stamps on my articles to go and rate and find out about them.

Still, original comments or none at all would be better in my opinion :)

15:31 Jul 11 2008

Well, why allow stamps on profiles, then? You're not really encouraging a conversation with it, or anything else. You're simply stamping profiles to level up, are you not? So what is the difference with articles and the database?

Sure, it's stupid, but then you can just as safely say that the whole stamping idea is stupid. But since it is a valid part of this site, currently, I don't see the point of banning it from certain parts of the site and not the whole site, as the whole idea is valid anywhere you stamp. Which is when you stamp, you just stamp. You rate to rate, nothing more, just to level up.

15:45 Jul 11 2008

I understand both sides of this issue. Maybe its the "type" of stamp that is left that speaks to carelessness and/or the disrespect that you refer to, VW. I also agree that stamps are original creations: I have seen some amazing stamps. Maybe if people left ones on articles that said, "I have read and rated your article" instead of "nice profile" the act of stamping wouldn't seem such a trespass. Ultimately this comes down to laziness as opposed to stamps being the evil culprit.

17:14 Jul 11 2008

Thank you all for the input on this. :)

The point I am making is the stamps you leave on profiles have the normal "Come over and rate me, add me" shit that everyone has. Or a 3 foot long ad for your Coven or House. Its what people do- but at least you can say that the person might do what you ask of them with the stamps. They might come and say hello and rate you. There is a chance of a counter action as the profile represents a PERSON.

The database does not.

The members articles do not.

20:07 Jul 11 2008

I confess I won't use my stamp in the articles since someone did work and put their personal name out there for everyone to see. It deserves more than a stamp and move on. Though I would have no problem with a stamp designed specifically for rating the articles and not one made for rating profiles with all the trappings that go with them. The stamping ability is one many premium members love and paid for so being allowed to use it is only right but they should also be smart enough to make their stamp suitable for the job.

20:46 Jul 11 2008

And there is the rub- its up to the person. I mean even with the stamp ability gone from the database they still do it.

Oh well.... like I said it's a pet peeve. Kind of like that piece of popcorn caught in your teeth.



00:46 Jul 11 2008
Times Read: 2,375

I was watching the news and seen Christie Brinkley divorce battle has ended. While I don’t really care to know about the court case, I have to say the woman can dress. I mean- those tight skirt that show off her well tone body, the classical blouses with the quaint sweaters. It’s like Leave it to Beavers Mom meets the Pussy Cat Dolls. You have to give it to her.

Always loved this woman since she made a VHS tape I had when I was 18? 19? It was a “How to” video on makeup. Really one of the best videos I have ever seen on the subject. She is the woman who taught me "Your face is a canvas- do with it what you will." aka- a good foundation is a must to get that canvas. lol

I can recall the models and how step by step she taught you how to do several looks for different effects. Those lessons still influences how I do makeup today.

I loved that tape.

I wish I still had that tape.

Wonder if any place online would have it for sale?

*goes to look*




Rat tries to control her anger...

23:55 Jul 10 2008
Times Read: 2,385

Rat runs in from reading Otter journal and set to work. Candles lighted and placed in a circle. She looks around and grabs incense to light. Coughing as the strong odor floats around her she turns and sits in a circle of candle light. She tries to cross her short fat legs…and falls backwards with a solid thump. “God da…bless.” She stops the cuss word and rolls till she is sitting back up.

She crosses one leg then uses her hands to pull her other leg up to cross them, grunting with the effort, finally gets her legs cross in front of her in a meditating pose. She takes a deep breath and smells something burning. “What the hell is that?” she tries to turn around but only her upper body would move. She looks down at her wedged legs, and looked over her shoulder, turning as far as she can to see a candle was lying on its side. Giving a deep sigh she tries to push herself over again.

“I don’t know how anyone can do this shit… calming my ass.” Giving a deep sigh she leans backwards, her crossed legs straight up as she straightens the candle and check nothing was burning. She pushed herself back up, her breathing growing heavy as she mumbles under her breath “Damn it.” “Gods I need to lose weight.” “Now I know why I never see a fat chick doing this freaking shit.”

Breathless she finally gets herself back into the pose, her legs numb as the blood has been cut off. She lays her hands on her furry legs and starts doing the “Oooooo” to relax her mind and body. She goes silent and just breaths, not worried how her lower body is numb. She hears the clock on the wall… click…click…click… and lets out a low growl "Shut the hell up, would you?"

Going back to the “Ooooo” to block the noise out, she keeps doing this for a few minutes before she stops, eyes popping open as she throws up her hands in the air. “NOW I have to pee!” She pushes her legs apart and stands, her short rat legs wobbly, as she walks thru the sharp needle like pains in her legs with ouchs between “See if I ever do that again." "Mediation should be done in a nice soft bed…where naps can be had.”

Rat wobbles away… knowing Otter will have many more rants to read in her journal as that is just the way the Rat is. ;)



02:33 Jul 11 2008

Damn you got in that position twice!!! I'd have needed EMS to get me up after trying the very first time... cats with bad knees don't do yoga lol

03:59 Jul 11 2008

Nothing calms you down like a nice long swim. Ahhhh so relaxing.

Then top it off with some seafood... It's the best...




20:06 Jul 10 2008
Times Read: 2,389



Since you asked me...

18:12 Jul 10 2008
Times Read: 2,401

Asked where I got the idea for Cybergoth as I don't know the style. Lets see... I got it from the movie 5th Element and I Robot that I have seen of late, Janet Jackson video called Feedback that I love, I got it from the latest runway techno style of Balenciaga and 6267.

Do people not notice fashion? I don't mean the shape of the body, the style of hair or makeup. Just the fashion. Notice what people wear, the ideas that come to your mind when you see it. Can you even think of Gone with the Wind and not see the burgundy color French silk velvet dress? Fair Lady without the white and black dress with the hat... Oh god I loved that hat!.. at the horse race? Indiana Jones without his hat?

And the person acted stun by my answer. "Its just clothes"


I am sorry but I can not "just" see nice clothing and not notice them. Next movie, TV, or video you watch- just notice the clothing and how they make the scene. And yes- I have seen movies that all I can see is the ugly clothing. I can trash them too. lol

Anyway- to me this is more of the cybergoth that I like...you can keep the neon colors. ;)




03:17 Jul 10 2008
Times Read: 2,414

Just sent the article in. Lets hope it passes the grade. Hardest article of all the ones I have done as I have not seen cybergoth in real life. Yes- I read about it. Yes I lkeep track of the stores and see the styles as they changes but..... I live in the middle of Kentucky. Not known for its gothic clubs. lol

Guess I fear someone reading it and saying I know nothing of what I am talking about. For that reason I have spent at least ten hours online learning all I can about this subject. Fashion is so... personal. Styles yes- but it comes down to what you like. If it gets that reaction then I will pull the article as soon as I can.

Anyway- lets see how this one turns out.





03:05 Jul 10 2008
Times Read: 2,415



21:33 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 2,431

Don't ask why... just enjoy it. lol




21:15 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 2,442

Below is the newest Fashion Members Article from me. All I can say is.... I am freaking getting good at these codes. lol

I need to pester a few for a edit/grammar check as we know how much I suck at it .... and its done. :)




21:24 Jul 09 2008

Oh! Yay! I love your articles!

*happy dance*

00:24 Jul 10 2008

*blush* Thanks bunny.


15:09 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 2,499

*Hangs up the phone* Nooo lets me do it for nothing you little fucker. Let's send out three men to spend 5 or 6 hours to load your three bedroom home...drive it 2 hours away..unload it in 3 hours, then the two hours back for $150.00. I know what we can do- Lets make my trucks run on wishes... yeah...wishes that I don't have to spend MONEY at the pumps. And that the insurance companies just cover me because I am so sweet and kind to people.

Better yet- let's just have unicorns pull the moving van. And the good witch can use her wand and make the furniture load itself, like Beauty and the Beast. ANd they will sign and dance as they do it. Be our guest....be our guest... Yes- WE all need Beauty and the Beast shit. Hello! Live in a fantasy world much!!!

*picks up the phone and slams it down hard again*

I wish the monkeys from OZ did shit on people as I would put a big ass bulleye on you, wort on a frogs ass. *heavy sigh*

Sister calls out from her office "How about I get the phones from now on today?"


"Fine with me!"



19:53 Jul 09 2008

*Nudges the Rat some Chocolate Chip Cookies and nice cold milk* Relax, be calm dearest. *Ducks and flys away before the Rat swips the owl*


Summer cleaning

14:53 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 2,504

I removed journals from my favorites that just don't change. I mean... write something, would ya? Now I have it down to 24.

I will be looking out for new journals to add as I just can't see me on this site much if I do not have journals to read. :) Its my favorite thing to do here.

So- if you see a stranger on your journal...don't worry. Just me looking around some. I swear I will be nice and if I leave a comment it will be sweet.

Till I get to know you- then all bets are off. lol




*sigh* Photobucket has such pretty pictures I can use...

19:12 Jul 08 2008
Times Read: 2,527

Damn it- I need some pictures of Rivethead/ Cybergoths for a upcoming members article.

Why does it have to be copyright free??? Grrrrrr!!!

Sucks trying to find these. Never mind the time the articles takes- try and find pictures for it.

*Rat gives up*

Anyone who knows what this fashion style is, and has a picture they wish to give me permisson to use..... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE message me.

Or I just wasted about six hours worth of research, doing the links to stores and writing the rough draft on this one.



19:21 Jul 08 2008

What about asking the stores for permission to use some of their photos? :)

21:00 Jul 08 2008

Well... truth be told... they are not the best shots. And they usually only show the one item they are selling. I wanted three pictures that show the style... so much to cover with the simply word of Cybergoth.


I think I am going to go put Otter in a box. She is the one who made me watch my P and Q's.

04:42 Jul 09 2008

Um.... I have NO idea what you are even asking for with these requests. Never heard of such things/styles. Bu t then that is nothing unusual.


My man in brown

15:59 Jul 08 2008
Times Read: 2,539

My UPS man just loves to kid around and he makes my day when he comes in. I am in the office by myself as my sister went home with a headache. I hear the office front door open, but thinking its Dad I did not move from my office chair, writing checks. The little man in brown comes around the long way and walks into my office, using the doorway that connects me and my sisters office. He comes in as I say hello but he is all serious looking, the usually grin not in place.

“What is wrong with you?” He tells me “I am so glad to see you. I don’t want to be the trouble maker here but… Your sister is mean to me.” O.o “What?” “Its true. While you been gone she is nothing but cruel to me. Reason I brought you these two packages and her none.” He sits down two small cartons on my desk.

I smile as it’s a running joke of how much he loves us. When my sister gets packages and I don’t get any I pout. Never mind I have to order things to get the packages. When he points that out to me I tell him he has a whole truck full- just go pick me one out. Its it the star foam cooler ones that you ship crab cakes, or cheesecakes in…the better.

“Oh.. I see. She has been mean to you while I was gone?” “Yeap. But you tell her she can make it up to me.” “So she has to be nice or she will not get any packages?“ He hold up his fingers making a O. “None. I am not kidding. Last time I can in she threaten me with a lighter- saying she was going to burn it if it was not for her.‘ “And was it?“ “Do you see any smoke damage?“ I broke out in laughter at the look he gave me. “Of course it was. I am telling you… she is mean to me.”

We both laughed as sister is always getting him water, ice cream cones, and making him sit and take a break in this heat. “I will tell her you said that. And that she will have to make it up to you… lunches, flowers.. ” “I really like those hard candies she gives me…” “Hey! I wonder where my candy went!” He just laughs at my look of offense, and waves as he goes out the door.

He is so cute- and the bluest eyes you ever seen. But still...

Damn candy thief’s around here… can’t trust them at all. lol



16:20 Jul 08 2008

Crab cakes? Did you say something about crab cakes???

17:03 Jul 08 2008

*rat shakes her head and glances around, watching people* Candy, cheesecakes and crab cakes... can't keep you all away from them.


18:26 Jul 08 2008

Your entry reminds me of the movie "legally blonde" where they are all smitten with the UPS guy...hey! try the "bend and snap" next time, see if it works!


01:00 Jul 08 2008
Times Read: 2,570

Is it a bad thing that Cat and Birdy call me "Little Stabb"?

What can I say- forum cleaning is fun.

And I am being hated. Ahhhh...dang.

You know how I just hate that.




13:27 Jul 08 2008

awww but I wub ya's

02:32 Jul 11 2008

How can it be a bad thing when it's a compliment!!! Of course I do suspect you took lessons... *grins*


17:34 Jul 07 2008
Times Read: 2,592

I love my father because I just have too. lol He comes into my office and starts looking around for his "lost" padlock. "Dad- its not in here. Did you look on the International doors?" "It's not there... its here somewhere."

While he is looking- aka pulling out drawers, opening file cabinets he finds my hidden Dove candy bar. Now dad has a sweet tooth as bad as mine so when he sits down in the chair in front of my desk and ask me if its mine, I was not suprised.

Bite my tongue as he found it in my file cabinet... thinking "Here's you sign" I say "Yes." "You want to share it?" Now- don't get me wrong but that is my Dove Candybar... its my escape when I want to kill someone. No I don't want to share it.

"Just take it Dad." "Why.... I can't eat all this." "Then just eat what you want and put the rest back where you found it." He opens it and starts to break off pieces. I hear a MMmm... "That is good. I am going to have to get me some of these for myself." I smile as I am thinking at the cost of them- he would never buy one. And now that he knows where I keep them he will never have too. He can just come get mine. Note to self- buy more Dove candybars.

So we talk a little, between him breaking a piece off and eating it, the look of pleasure on his face as he eats the best chocolate on the market worth it. I watch...and he emptys the foil wrapper as he just kept eating. He did not even notice it. He stands, telling me he had to get back to work... I am thinking he is going to find a stack of moving pads and taking a nap as he does most afternoons... and throws the wrapper in my trash can.

I just smile.... not able to eat it all my butt. Now I need to go get the lock off the International before it drives him crazy.

*Rat follows Dad out of the office*



19:20 Jul 07 2008

I wonder how many people who read what you just wrote will be wishing they had a Dad just like yours ? x



15:56 Jul 07 2008
Times Read: 2,601


Losing something.

Losing something or someone who means the world to you.

How do you deal?

Friends who you love that just don’t get you.

Friends who can cut your with just a remark, knowing how much it would hurt you.

Those that you love are the only ones that can hurt you- so why let them in?


Do you lose anything if you close yourself off?

The hurt, the pain… it would stop.

What do you lose?

Maybe that is the question that needs asked.

Can you deal with the loss?

I believe some people just make you feel bad, do things that upset you even thou they do not mean too.


Maybe its you- how you see them.

Maybe you see a part of yourself in them that you don’t like.

But still…

Why be around them?

Is it because you don’t want to face the loss of them?

But what of the loss of yourself?

The loss of your confidence?

The loss of your happiness?

The loss of your ability to know what is right and wrong?

The loss of your self respect.

The loss … of you.

Terrible thing…




22:28 Jul 07 2008

Damn, I know that I have had to ask those same question of myself. *hugs* You will find the answer dearest Rat...


Smoke odor in the home? WTF? Still like to just haul off and slap her.

14:31 Jul 07 2008
Times Read: 2,613

*sigh* Somedays its not worth getting mad about things. Rat types and answers yet again the same bitch form the same ...bitch from July 1st journal.

Sent on 07/06/08


A complaint where you were assigned responsibility xxxxxxxxxxxx

XXXXXX remains unanswered

The complaint is Entered on 06/26/08 and assigned to you on 06/26/08







Submit your comments to: XXXXXXXXXX Van Lines



Or answer directly @ www.XXXXXX.com

My Answer... and I think I was calm about it. :)

As we meet the distance required by the Rules about smoking away from the house.... nothing I can do about the smoke odor. Unless the Goverment wants to make it a smoke free move?

Packing paper was placed and spread out on the only flat surface to pack on in the limited space of the garage- with a car at the door, motorbike inside. When I saw a carton on the table it was on top of the packing paper. As the table was covered.... I don't see how it was scratched. She also informed me it was a new table- just delivered the day before. Funny as the chairs that match this table, same metal design on the table, was in the house, with dust on them. Cloth on the seats was stained.

Paperwork- I explained the inventory, cartons only. I did the high value items inventory, asking her if she had the item appraised. (Yeap I did I did- as its my company who pays these packing claims- I will ask as its my right.) I also told her the DD619 was a billing form for the packing we had done that day. Driver would explain the rest of the paperwork, and do the inventory on all remaining items. Strange- the woman who told me she knew how it worked as she had moved dozen of times now knows nothing? I explained the paperwork that she signed for me, leaving the other paperwork for the driver on site.

As far as the China- I showed her the broken creamer, and chips on plates as is my right. I will always show customers damage to items before we pack them so no claim will be made. She started the "My china... be careful with the china" when we got there so yes- I showed her the damamge. My father, who had packed since 1953, packed the china as he always does. Look at my claims- does it seems like we throw items into boxes? She got upset that I showed her the pre-existing damamge. But as I understand the rules- I am allowed to do so. I was in no way rude to her.

When she said I made the comment "With it already chip?" she is telling a bold face lie. As we prepaired the High Value- she told me her China was. As I did not pack her kitchen, and she only had one china cabinet that held the china I showed damamge to her- I did ask "The china with chips in it?" For all I know she could of had more then one set of china in the home. I wanted to make sure the dish pack was listed- that I wrote the right number down.

XXXXX can believe who ever they want. This job was done in the same fashion as we have done thousand of others over the years. Good luck.

-----Original Message-----

From: XXXXXXX@aol.com

To: XXXXXXXX@aol.com

Sent: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 8:48 am


Oh well... not in the mood to kiss anyones ass. If that gets me pulled off duty for 30 days then.... Hey CAT BIRDy- lets hit the beach!! *rat dances...* Screw this.... and its not even half way thru the busy season for us yet.

Guess I need to get "Cavalier" about it.




03:27 Jul 08 2008

Tonight...I vote beach...give her the proverbial finger and let's go.


For LadyChordewa

02:44 Jul 07 2008
Times Read: 2,629

Poem for Dog Lovers

Hello. I've been expecting you for quite some time.

Here, come sit beside us for awhile .

and let me tell you about this old friend of mine.

She might look tattered or maybe old

But I won't say goodbye until you've been told.

She had the brightest eyes I had ever seen,

And wore a beautiful fur coat that would out shine a queen .

She was never prissy but walked with an aire ......

And oh so polite, you could take her most anywhere.

She could run like the wind and could catch anything she chased

But she protected and sat with me when I had problems to face.

You could not find a friend nearly so dear.

Because no matter the trouble she always stayed near...

She has never asked for much from me;

Just to love and respect her and I think you'll agree .

To give her a good meal plus a nice warm bed is not much to ask ;

When she has given me all her love and to her this was no task.

Now I understand you have a schedule to keep.

But I have a small favor before she nods off to sleep.

Please fold your wings around her and let her feel young while in no pain ;

Dear Guardian Angel of Pets ,

please keep her safe and happy until I see her again.

Ginger Patton

I am so sorry for your loss, my friend.



06:00 Jul 07 2008

*With tears running down my face, I hug the Rat close and whisper* That poem was an absolutely perfect depiction of LadyHarlequinn (Harley). Thank you my friend, for understanding. Love you.


00:07 Jul 07 2008
Times Read: 2,654

Bones is such a gentleman....

Comment he left:

"Ok, I'm happy! You're as old as I am! ;P"



Just Kidding Boney. ;)



00:10 Jul 07 2008



I wonder on days like this...

22:19 Jul 06 2008
Times Read: 2,668

Has the Jolly Green Gaint ever worn a toe ring?

The flying monkeys- did they take a poo as they flew? Birds do... And if they did- why did the lion, tin man and scarecrow not have shit on them?

Why is it so hard to dust my dragon skull?

Does anyone else remember Gillgan's Island? Or the Swiss Family Robinson show?

Was is evil always in black and good in white?

I love the word Grace. Grace ..... just the way it rolls off the tongue.

Ok... this turned really random, didn't it? Thinks its time for a nap.




22:22 Jul 06 2008

Ok, I'm happy! You're as old as I am! ;P

22:26 Jul 06 2008

Well... I will take that as a good thing. lol



02:13 Jul 06 2008
Times Read: 2,702

1- I need the code for a scroll box for the Coven. Grrrr.... I hate codes.

2- August movies are up.


The Mummy and the Mirrors looks good.


Time to turn out the lights with a bowl of ice cream to watch Ginger Snaps.



04:51 Jul 06 2008

Talk to Abstract fo the scroll box thingy.


It's a good thing. :)

22:05 Jul 05 2008
Times Read: 2,720

Love days like this. I cooked a huge pot of fresh white runner green beans with new potatoes yesterday.

This morning I fried up some nice porkchops, and used my cast iron skillet to cook cornbread in the oven, melting butter on top of the hot goodness. Sliced onions, garden fresh tomatoes, and cubed up the sweet watermellon.

Then I packed most of it up and started to make phone calls. Mom, Dad and brother was my first stop. My sister was the other. By noon today they had lunch ready, maybe some for dinner even.

:) I love to cook and its been over a month since I was able to with Stinky Dead Fred/ AC unit going out.

My mother called me a few hours ago and told me they loved it- the beans were cooked just right. *Rat smiles*

Sister called and comment on the nice crispy crust on the cornbread- melted butter made it so sweet. *Rat grins* She knew I had used my cast iron.

I am glad they liked the food. I enjoyed cooking it, even cleaning up the kitchen.

It just made the day seem..... homey.




22:27 Jul 05 2008

hmm, that sounds delicious...can I come over for dinner? :)

00:13 Jul 06 2008

Hey am I not a member of the family? Where's mine?

04:53 Jul 06 2008

NO FAIR talking about food like that!

Althogh I usually use bacon grease for the fat in my cornbread skillet.


To Mrs. P. We all miss you.

03:20 Jul 04 2008
Times Read: 2,743

Reading Meeper’s journal about the Fourth of July brings to mind a lady I meet in High School. She was an English teacher. Older lady, small frame, long hair up in a bun, smart as a tack that never let you get by with anything. I looked forward to taking her class but she retired the year I was at the grade that I could. Sadly as my sister had her two years before and told me all the time I would love the class. She was a wonderful teacher.

Later in my life I meet her daughter, and our family became friends. Her daughter was a vet in our town, one of the first females. For years she took care of our animals, and you could catch up on her mom by asking. Her son was murder around this time and my father and crew went with the family to move his household items back to Kentucky. Since then we have always been a little closer.

About ten years ago her daughter had limit her vet services to part time upon moving out onto a farm, her mother joining her. Only a year or so later she, her daughter, and grandchild were hit by a drunk driver. She did not survive the crash.

At her funeral they had pictures of her life spread around the room. I found out then she had been a very active lady. I did not know she had traveled the country, holding down many jobs, having many life experiences. The one that hit me most- she had been a Rosie the Riveter.

To her I say thank you. To all who have, has and will step up to keep this country going- I say thank you.

Be safe this weekend my friends. And please- if you drink, don't drive. Happy 4th of July!



03:42 Jul 04 2008

There are so many wonderful people who give their all throughout their life regardless of the cards they were dealt.

Have a great holiday and be safe too :)

06:34 Jul 04 2008

Have a great holiday...enjoy.

00:21 Jul 06 2008

I'm so sorry you never got to enjoy her as a teacher sis. I took extra classes just to have her for 3 straight years. Like your sisters I had my sister talked into taking her too only for her to have to retire before you got the chance. She was a small older woman with her hair always done up and a suit and skirt on. She could make the meanest of teenage boys even the dopers sit up and be quiet during her class without raising her voice or sending for the principal. She made learning so much fun even if it was harder in her classes. I feel so blessed to have known her and I hated how DUI cost such a wonderful woman her life.


:) Great start of the holiday but at least I have RUM!

01:05 Jul 04 2008
Times Read: 2,758

First of the week the guys asked me if they could stop at the liquor store on the way back from today’s delivery. (its 52 miles to the first liquor store- the town we was unloading at.) Now I have a VERY strong rule against any liquor being hauled in my trucks, but as they pointed out I would be driving a privately owned pickup that day. Hate when they out smart me. :)

Thing is… I have met the customer. She is a picky get on your nerves kind of woman. I mean the kind that will tell you to “Be careful! Watch the doorway. Don’t let it hit on the stairway.” on every piece of furniture you move. And they would spend part of two days with her. So I made a deal- if they could please the woman, have her tell me what a great job they did with no damage, then we will stop.

Well- damn if they did it. They bite their tongues and had her eating out of their palms. She could not find any damage, even giving them tips. They just smiled as I stood, waiting for the payment check, as she just bragged on them. They said nothing about our bet till we were leaving. “Remember our bet.” They parked the truck in the parking lot across the street and came over to meet me in the parking lot of the store.

6 cases of beer (4 was mine, sisters, dads), Large bottle of rum (mine) Red and white wine (mine to cook with), 2 bottles of Jack Daniels (not mine) and some margarita drinks for my sister who’s birthday is today. We loaded the pickup and I joked if I got stopped- I was going to jail for bootlegging. :)

Was going good till I saw the Vehicle Enforcement coming up in my rear view mirror about 12 miles from our exit. Stay cool… don’t slow down I told myself. He pulled up beside me and I acted like I did not see him, but he just went right on. Only to pull in front of me and hitting his lights. He pulled over the truck. lol I just busted out laughing. At least I waved at them as I drove by on the way home. Yes- I left them.

I pulled into the office and went in to the office to see my sister. I asked her if she found her ice cream cake in the freezer and she said nope. We sat, eating slices of the cake when she asked me where the boys were. I just smiled and said “I will let them tell you when they get here. They should not be too long.”

They showed up about 15 minutes later. Walking in they said “Well thanks for stopping and waiting on us.” “I liked the little wave she gave as she drove by.” “We almost sent him after you.” I just had to bust out laughing. The ONE time I let them stop and get liquor is the day they get a random check. No ticket, said the guy was really nice and kidding around with them. He did not even make them open the truck.

Seems he lives in our town and just stopped them to check the insurance and tags as he saw them on his way home. He told them to tell my Father hello as he saw him out at the truck stop this morning before dawn fueling the truck up. I told them someone called on us from the liquor store. “Then he would have stopped your truck” I argued with them as they got some cake that it’s another reason to never stop at a liquor store again. That made them moan and complain.

LOL It was one of those “If it could happen- it will” days.




20:23 Jul 03 2008
Times Read: 2,788

Wildchild just told me "You are not very nice"


Who? Me?


And by the way- you started it.... note my tongue tied in a knot.




22:41 Jul 03 2008

You kicked my schinn..

00:13 Jul 04 2008

Eh, but you are sexy... Something he can't compete with! ;)

00:26 Jul 06 2008

Wow and he caught on to you so quickly!


Forum is soooo pulling me in- Come...post...start a fuss.

20:11 Jul 03 2008
Times Read: 2,792

*rat looks at the forum to see what's up.... and fights the urge...*



Do you think Demons can betrayed you?

I know most of u do not understand Demons or the word Demon

What do you think about Demon possession do you think you can really be possessed?


If I don't understand Demons or the word Demon.... why ask me?




20:27 Jul 03 2008

Lol have to check this.

22:18 Jul 03 2008

Maybe he heard you were often possessed by Rum...could Rum be the name of a Demon ??? hic.

23:00 Jul 03 2008

I think he reads the word backward...and he should really start taking his.

03:47 Jul 04 2008

People need to suck it up and do outside VR research on topics. Google is my friend. So is my alternative online bookstores. If your too lazy to look it up, how do we even know you'll read the thread? Oh dear that was harsh... maybe I should lay off the commentary when drinking :P


11:59 Jul 03 2008
Times Read: 2,807

I keep reading this one guys journal snipped on the new journal's page. I do not read them as just those few lines makes me want to reach out and slap the hell out of him.

Why would anyone want to love a whinney ass like you? Really- get a set and move on with it!!

If you was like that with her all I can say is "RUN GIRL! RUN!!"

Enough already...... piss and move away from the pity pot, would you?




23:10 Jul 01 2008
Times Read: 2,836

*rat tries to stop herself... not to post this in the forum in the "little help" thread*

Last time hell hounds followed me I call the game warden. Seems they had ran away from the mayor's house and I got a award. Yeah crocked city officals.

As far as your journal that talks of your body moving on its own, you not able to stop it as your demon or inner guild took over.... man I want some of what you are smoking. Send it to me:

Drug Enforcement Agency- Task Force.

100 You Are Stupid

Crazyashell, WA.

And make sure you include your home address as I would want to pay for it.

*Rat growls..... and go to take a shower and get dinner before she makes a smart ass remark*



23:22 Jul 01 2008



00:42 Jul 02 2008

*Falls into a fit of giggles* Have I told you lately I love you?

10:40 Jul 02 2008

Yep....I did well to ignore that one lmao

00:25 Jul 06 2008

too late sugar the smart ass remarks slipped out ahead of you *smirks*


01:20 Jul 01 2008
Times Read: 2,096

Meeper needs a good spanking.

That is all I have to say.


But I love her anyway.

Thanks for the laugh, my friend.



21:42 Jul 01 2008

ooOOoo, did you get an itsy tipsy message full of blarney? heh

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